Noelia Martínez¡Fortaleciendo tu sistema inmunológico en Invierno: Consejos para una temporada saludable!

Strengthening your immune system in Winter: Tips for a healthy season!

Winter brings with it not only the festivities and joy of the season, but also an increase in the incidence of colds and flus. With colder temperatures and fewer hours of sunshine, our immune syste...

Noelia MartínezRazones y Soluciones para la Caída del Cabello

Reasons and Solutions for Hair Loss

Hair loss is a problem that affects men and women around the world, and although it is common, it can be a cause for concern and affect the self-esteem of those who experience it. In this article, ...

Noelia MartínezComo fortalecer el sistema inmunológico

How to strengthen the immune system

At this time of year, where temperature changes abound, it is very easy to catch a cold since we constantly go from hot to cold and cold to hot. When it comes to fighting colds, it is important to...

Noelia MartínezBeneficios del mar para nuestra piel y cabello

Benefits of the sea for our skin and hair

The sea is not only liters and more liters of salt water combined, but it is also a home for thousands of species, a symbol of freshness and a source of benefits for our health. In this article, we...

Noelia MartínezCuidar la salud cardiovascular

Take care of cardiovascular health

Cardiovascular health is taken care of through a healthy lifestyle, incorporating sports, enough hours of sleep and a diet with the necessary vitamins into the daily routine. Omega 3 is a type of f...

Pedidos AdministracionMitos y Verdades sobre el cabello

Myths and Truths about hair

Hair is an essential part of our identity and personal style. Over the years, numerous myths and beliefs have emerged about how to care for it, make it grow faster or keep it healthy. But how many...

Pedidos AdministracionLa importancia de la hidratación en el deporte

The importance of hydration in sports

Proper hydration is essential to keeping the body healthy and functioning properly, and this is especially important during exercise. When we play sports, our body loses fluids and electrolytes thr...

Pedidos AdministracionReceta ligera y detox

Light and detox recipe

At Natusure today we want to give you a very easy and quick recipe to make for those nights when we feel like having something a little lighter, healthier and detox for dinner. With this recipe y...