Pedidos AdministracionLa importancia de la hidratación en el deporte

The importance of hydration in sports

Proper hydration is essential to keeping the body healthy and functioning properly, and this is especially important during exercise. When we play sports, our body loses fluids and electrolytes thr...

Pedidos AdministracionReceta ligera y detox

Light and detox recipe

At Natusure today we want to give you a very easy and quick recipe to make for those nights when we feel like having something a little lighter, healthier and detox for dinner. With this recipe y...

Pedidos AdministracionTu rutina de skincare

Your skincare routine

Taking care of your face is very important. And not only for the health of the skin but also, a well-cared face achieves a much more youthful appearance. To have beautiful and clean facial skin, ...

Pedidos AdministracionEl colesterol y la salud cardiovascular

Cholesterol and Cardiovascular Health

Cholesterol is a necessary substance for the proper functioning of the human body, but in excess it can negatively affect health. Elevated cholesterol levels can increase the risk of cardiovascu...

Noelia MartínezConcéntrate en tus exámenes

Focus on your exams

May arrives, the end of the course is approaching and therefore, the final exams. It can be a stressful stage, but with the proper planning and organization, you can effectively prepare to move th...

Pedidos AdministracionLos batidos de proteínas

The protein shakes

How many times have you heard of protein shakes? Have you ever tried any? Do you know its benefits? And finally, would you know how to make one yourself? Protein shakes are a popular way to su...

Noelia MartínezComo combatir el insomio

How to fight insomnia

Insomnia is a sleep disorder that can have a negative impact on your quality of life due to the accumulated fatigue that it produces by not letting you sleep. Below we are going to present d...

Noelia MartínezDía del beso: El poder de los besos para la salud.

Kiss Day: The power of kisses for health.

Today, April 13, is World Kiss Day. For this reason, we want to talk to you about the power of kisses and the benefits they bring to our physical and mental health. Kissing is a way...