Pedidos Administracion

eye care

El cuidado de la vista

Within the five senses, despite not being able to stay with just one, sight is one of the most precious. Therefore, you have to take good care of it so as not to lose it. Nowadays, the screens dominate the world and leaving aside all its benefits for society, they do a lot of damage to our eyes.

Taking care of your eyesight is something that we all do a little unconsciously and automatically. For example when we wear sunglasses in summer or a cap on those very sunny and hot days. These small acts are all very well but they are not enough. Next we are going to tell you a few habits to increase and improve the care of your eyes and sight.

  • Adequate lighting: Always try to read and work with light and prioritize natural light over artificial light. Warm light before white light.
  • Correct distance: It is best to maintain a distance of between 50 and 70 cm from the object that we are going to have in front of us for a long period of time and in the case of a screen, it must be placed at the same height as your eyes so as not to force the look up or down.
  • Ideal foods: Vegetables and fruits loaded with vitamins A and C: carrots, blueberries, red fruits... and foods with magnesium such as nuts, some cereals, etc., also help maintain good vision.
  • Eye hydration: Just as we hydrate our skin and hair, we must also hydrate our eyes. This is done with eye drops. It is advisable to put it on if water or soap has entered us, after a long day of concentration, whenever they itch or are irritated and in times of high temperatures (summer).
  • Food supplement: Add NatuLut capsules to our diet to combat dry eyes and improve visual acuity. These capsules are taken once a day, preferably in the morning with a glass of water. They have neither lactose nor gluten and are high in lutein and zeaxatin.

We propose the challenge of beginning to give more importance to eye care to continue with good eyesight for many more years.

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Noelia Martínez